
RePower the Regions: Ambiciózní a inkluzivní plány pro čistou energii v uhelných regionech

Participace a vedoucí postavení uhlíkově náročných regionů při přechodu na čistou energii jsou nezbytným předpokladem pro dosažení klimatické neutrality EU do roku 2050. Na základě tohoto předpokladu si projekt RePower the Regions klade za cíl zajistit, aby plány pro čistou energii v regionech byly v souladu s klimatickými cíli EU do roku 2030 a měly silnou podporu na místní úrovni, a poskytnout praktické pokyny a plány, jak regiony posílit.


LIFE TogetherFor1.5

The LIFE TogetherFor1.5 is a Pan-European project which aims to align the EU’s climate action with the 1.5°C objective of the Paris Agreement, building on climate and energy policy opportunities at the national and EU level.


Towards a climate neutral EU: Efficient allocation of EU funds

The aim of the project is to contribute to support the efficient use of EU money in the participating countries, highlight best practices and ‘lessons learnt’, and widely disseminate these observations both nationally and internationally. Thus, the project will help to improve the level and quality of EU funding and fiscal policy for EU climate action and EGD delivery by focusing on the game-changing actions at the national level.


Towards a climate-neutral EU: funding and incentives for a transformative European Green Deal and Recovery Plan

The EEB and the Clean Air Action Group (Levegő Munkacsoport) launched a new project in October 2020. It aims to fom the EU budget for the period 2021-27 and the European Recovery Plan. Consortium members provide expert input to the policy process and strive to fulfil the participatory principle.


DEAR: Climate Action by European Citizens

The project raises awareness, builds capacity, and supports EU citizens, particularly young people, in building public support for ambitious climate change and development policies which have gender equality at their core.

Partner organizations bring together experience of climate change campaigning and communication in Europe, gender equality, European youth mobilisation, and climate change development programmes in the Global South.

No Time Like The Present: Reframing Political Debate For The Energy Transformation In CEE

The main theme of the project is energy transformation and socially just transition from coal-dependent economy. The project aims to support change in the energy sector in order to meet the climate commitments stemming from the Paris Agreement.

In the Czech Republic, within the project, we focus mainly on the just transition of our coal regions. Our aim is to strengthen the coal regions and help them get rid of their dependence on coal mining and burning.

CDE, as a member organization of the international network CEE Bankwatch, participates in a project financed by the European Climate Initiative EUKI, which is an instrument of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment.

Building Capacity for Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation on Long-Term Climate Planning

A follow-up project to UNIFY: The EU Connection to Combat Climate Change is a regionally oriented project funded by the German EUKI Foundation and a coordinated by Climate Action Network. It aims to increase ambitions and achieve long-term climate strategies in the Visegrad Group countries, Romania and Bulgaria.

UNIFY: Bringing the EU together on climate action

Since 2019, we have been participating in the European LIFE UNIFY project coordinated by the Climate Action Network (CAN). It aims to support the timely and effective transition of EU Member States to a low-carbon economy.

Within the project, we focus mainly on the following areas: national climate and energy plans, setting up a new EU budget, motivation and support of cities in adopting their own climate and energy strategies.


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